Turning Gen Y On: What Every Leader Needs to Know about Recruiting and Retaining the Millennials


ISBN: 978-981-09-8320-8
Author: Marion Neubronner
Publisher: Candid Creation Publishing
Price: $22.90 (before GST)
Page: 182 pp
Size: A5 (paperback)
Genre: Business/ Leadership
Availability: All major bookstores



Recent polls throughout the world have reported workplace tensions between Generation Y and their colleagues from previous generations.

The rise of Generation Y has indeed brought a new set of challenges to those who must manage them due to differences in perspectives, working ethics, and priorities.

Generation Y represents what will soon be the largest percentage of the global workforce. Failing to find a way to tap into the potential of the Millennial Generation would prove to be catastrophic to any company that’s serious about its survival and growth.

Turning Gen Y On is based on years of in-depth research and real-world experience, and direct feedback from managers, leaders, and Gen Ys themselves. This book was written to help you understand the Gen Ys without pre-conceived judgment while providing you with best practices on recruiting, onboarding, retaining, grooming, and appraising your Millennial talents to help your organisation succeed.


“Here you will discover a wealth of practical tips and guidelines to connect in more fruitful and fulfilling conversations across the generations. This book will help all of us to more joyfully live together, work together, and create the future together.”

Ron Kaufman, New York Times bestselling author of UPLIFTING SERVICE: The Proven Path to Delighting Your Customers, Colleagues, and Everyone Else You Meet

“I have been in HR and change consulting and permanent roles for over 30 years and can say that this is a well-written book with good advice for each and every generation to consider and follow not only to improve their leadership, but also to better communication and collaboration for all. Some great ideas that are easy to implement in the workplace.”

Jennifer Dignam, CEO at The Human Resource Department (Australia)