Seizures in the City brings together experiences of persons with epilepsy, care-givers, healthcare providers, and others. It is also the first book featuring real-life stories by persons with epilepsy in the local context. Indeed, these real-life accounts are truly inspirational. While the stories in the first section, “Living with Epilepsy”, described mostly emotional journeys of challenges, fears, and uncertainties, they also demonstrate determination, courage, and hope. With the right treatment and the right attitude, epilepsy can be embraced and well-managed.
The second section, “Epilepsy Through the Lens of Others”, contains reflections by individuals and volunteers who have been touched by the epilepsy cause. Here, the writers offer hope and inspiration, as well as provide concrete proof that the unimaginable is possible—that one’s spirit need not waver and life can continue in a holistically different mode.
Another section, “The Issues You Want Answered”, provides the reader with useful information on resources and practical advice by healthcare providers, relating to persons with epilepsy. In one chapter, insight will be shed on child epilepsy pertaining to treatment, safety, schooling, as well as psychosocial-emotional support. Other chapters address issues of employment, working with doctors in epilepsy management, dental care, depression, sports and exercise.
Newly diagnosed persons with epilepsy, as well as caregivers, healthcare personnel, and the general community will find this book a wealth of hope and a source of information