Raising Financially Savvy Kids: Positive Money Habitudes To Help Kids Become Future Money Masters


Book Specification: A5, 192 pages, paperback
Author: Ernest Tan

In this book, you can find out everything you need to know about inculcating positive money habits and attitudes to help kids become future money masters.


In Raising Financially Savvy Kids, you can find out everything you need to know about inculcating positive money habits and attitudes to help kids become future money masters. This pragmatic guide explains the fundamental building blocks of teaching kids about the concept of money and how parents can play an active role.

The key to building discipline in money management is a budget system and you will find a step-by-step guide to help you support your kids in allocating their money across Spending, Saving, and Sharing. Included are also real-life approaches from parents, and activities and tips to help you put what you’ve learnt into daily practice.

Drawing from decades of working with both parents and kids as a money coach, the insight provided by the author in this book will give your kids a head start toward financial savviness in today’s world.


“Although there are several players in the market who claim that they have age-appropriate activities for preschoolers to grasp the concept of money, none comes close to those offered in Raising Financially Savvy Kids.

Read the book to tap on the author’s wisdom and lay your hands on the board game because it is truly age appropriate, applicable, and very relevant to local context.”
Verlyn Seah
Educator, Our Juniors’ School House@G’Kids
Mother of one

“Raising Financially Savvy Kids has many great tips for parents who want to do just that — bringing up children who are intelligent and sensible in money matters. I like that it also promotes many important values like sharing and delayed gratification.

It is definitely a good resource for parents who wish to inculcate sound financial habits in their children from a tender age.”

Carrie Tan
Mother of three

“Like most parents in our Asian society, talking about money to my children does not seem necessary or appropriate. I believe many even regard it as a taboo subject in the family. How wrong was my thinking! After reading this book, it opened my mind to the need to start creating meaningful conversations about money with my children. It is better late than never!”

Regina Lim
Business Development Manager
Mother of two

“The book has been enormously helpful to us. It is a great book for teaching financial responsibility to your child from a very young age to equip them for the future!”

Mother of two

“Raising Financially Savvy Kids is a helpful guide for parents as it provides practical suggestions on what they can do to teach their children to acquire the fundamentals of financial literacy. It highlights the importance of teaching children to be responsible family members, and at the same time, offers strategies that would help children become more aware of their money habits. One strategy that I have learnt from this book, which works with my four-year-old, is the ‘questioning’ technique. I ask my daughter if there is anywhere we can borrow a book she wants without spending any money. As a result of employing this technique, she now takes the initiative to tell me that she can go to the library to borrow a book instead of buying it from a bookshop!”

Jane Lee
Mother of two

“Through my close friend’s initiation, Ernest and his team members had guided me to kick start the workshop ‘Your Kids Can Master Their Money’. It was specially organised for the parents, children, and educators of my early childhood centre Blossom Edugroup. One of the activities that involved the parents and their children was the board game ‘Money Junior’. Interestingly, the game is a good bonding and engagement activity for the family to play and learn money management together. After the workshop, our parents and educators gained many useful tips to help our children acquire the right money habitudes and build the foundation to manage their money. Personally, I have gained tremendous knowledge through the workshop and continued to use the tools and knowledge acquired to teach my own children to manage their money using the Money Jars System. I am glad Ernest has collated all his years of research and experiences on financial matters into this book. This is decidedly a book worth reading for parents, educators, and young adults, and I find it relevant for all to understand and develop financial awareness in today’s globalised world.”

Khoo-Ang Siew Ling
Supervisor of Blossom Discovery Centre
Mother of three

“After reading Raising Financially Savvy Kids, I learned the importance of teaching my kids to be financially ‘aware’ by using the easy-to-use tools. It’s also a wake-up call for me to start acting and stop waiting for things to happen. I should not be waiting for money to grow without consciously taking action NOW.”

Patricia Lim
General Manager, GoldenHill Landscape
Mother of two

“As a professional Financial Planner and Trainer with more than 30 years of experience, I support early teaching and training of children in financial matters. Having the right knowledge is an essential first tool. Next, we need to place the knowledge we have acquired into daily application and cultivate children’s habit to manage their own finances.

This book is a foundational platform for parents to share with their children in their growing up years. As parents, this is an opportune period for us to also be a teacher to our children; an opportune period for us to bond with our children, to teach and practise the financial management principles advocated.”

Benedict Tan
Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP); MBA (Financial Services)
Grandfather of two

“This book prepares parents to interact with their children and help them understand and manage money. I find the daily activities in the book very useful in inculcating positive money habits in them.”

Vincent Lim
Father of one