The brain works more effectively when both the right and left brain work together. When the right brain is developed well together with the left brain in proper balance, humans can show great abilities. There is correlation between the right and left brain. A child tends to be right-brain dominant between zero and three years old. Tapping on the amazing ability of the right brain during this period can help children retain this innate capability that we were born with.
The Mystery of the Right Brain is one of few books written by Makota Shichida that was published in English. In this well-researched book, you will find many fascinating examples of children who have been taught using the Shichida Method. Within the pages of this book, you will unravel the mystery of the right brain, including:
- Scientific explanations on the structure and functions of the brain
- Differences between the capabilities of the right and left brain
- Techniques to harness the innate power of the right brain
- Use of image training to draw out the creativity of children to enrich their literary and artistic expression, memory and intuitive senses
- Methods to activate the right-brain memory
- Processing power of the right-brain computing faculty
- Understanding and leveraging the right brain for language and music training
- Utilising the right-brain speed reading ability