Fit to Lead: Transforming Your Leadership with the 5 Pillars of Performance


ISBN: 978-981-11-3359-6 (paperback
Author: Marcus Marsden and Sari Marsden
Publisher: Candid Creation Publishing
Price: $35.00 (before GST)
Page: 332 pp
Size: 230mm x 170mm (portrait closed)
Availability: All major bookstores
Genre: Leadership



Frank and forward-thinking, Fit to Lead offers a dynamic new vision of leadership development that places the role of your physical body firmly alongside that of your thoughts and emotions. Written by husband-and-wife team Marcus and Sari Marsden, the book combines the principles of executive coaching and fitness training to provide you with a holistic system for transforming your leadership and producing breakthrough results for yourself and the people you lead.


At last, a truly fresh take on leadership! Sari and Marcus deliver a unique and powerful wake-up call to the next generation of leaders. Their inspiring and practical story is compelling both personally and professionally.

Kelly Poulos, International Business Consultant,

Performance Coach and best-selling Author of Secrets to Winning

What do movement, fitness and exercise have to do with leadership? Everything, as Marcus and Sari advocate for in this insightful and practical book. Your ability to have others follow and support you in designing a new future requires the best of all of you, not just your intellect. This book illuminates a path that enables you to create the best conditions in yourself and generate new results and outcomes with others!

Terrie Lupberger, Master Certified Coach and Advisor to the C-Suite

Looking back on my career I realised that there are many individual pieces which contribute to great performance. Nobody gave me the complete picture at the time. Reading this book back then would have enhanced my performance and extended my career as an athlete. A great read for all leaders and coaches, whether they be in the boardroom or on the sports field.

Bram Lomans, Owner of OrangeCoach, High Performance Lifestyle Coach
and two-time Olympic Gold Medallist