For a Better Age: Musings of a Teacher


Book Specifications:210x210mm,256 pages, Paperback
Author: Eugene Wijeysingha

It was not by design that Eugene Wijeysingha became a teacher. Set on continuing his education beyond secondary school but devoid of the financial means to do so…



It was not by design that Eugene Wijeysingha became a teacher. Set on continuing his education beyond secondary school but devoid of the financial means to do so, he settled for a teaching bursary. This required him to teach for at least five years upon graduation. Beginning as a classroom teacher in a demanding setting, he then traversed the educational hierarchy before ending up as principal. In the process, the enthusiasm and passion for sharing in the lives of young people gathered momentum. For 35 years, he walked with them, shaping and nurturing the best in them. He never looked back, nor did he regret the way his destiny unfolded. Today, in retirement, he relishes the thought of a life well spent and the untold rewards that were garnered.