Tao Shu, a bilingual children’s book series, is adapted from the iParenting Media Award winning animation series about little Tao Shu and his lovable younger sister, Ling Ling. Together with their pets, Hama, the magical purple toad and Pan Pan, the naughty red panda, Tao Shu and Ling Ling learn about timeless values such as honesty, selflessness, filial piety and having a positive, can-do attittude. The series’ unique visual style is based on traditional Chinese peasant paintings, which have been given a modern twist. The stories are universal and have appealed to boys and girls from all over the world. In Tao Shu’s Birthday Surprise, it’s Tao Shu’s birthday today and he thinks that everyone has forgotten, but he’s in for a big surprise! Let’s find out what is the surprise waiting for Tao Shu in this heartwarming story!
Praise for the book:
“From the iParenting Media Award winning series comes the endearing Tao Shu books for children. The books are characterised by the same quirky and vivid illustrations as the TV series and are based on traditional Chinese peasant paintings that have been given a modern twist!”
— Singapore Child magazine