Authorship Virtual Masterclass

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  • Ever wished that you had an effective way to create visibility and increase mind share?
  • Ever wished that you had a branding tool so powerful that it could almost give you instant credibility without fail every time?
  • Ever dreamt of having the satisfaction of seeing your own work in print and in circulation, and having the opportunity to create an impact with your insights?

If your answer is a resounding “YES”, you need to know the 4 reasons why you should become a published author:

  1. Pump up your visibility and increase your presence in the market. With the expanded mindshare you enjoy, you are able to attract prospects, clients and partners and have them knocking on your door year after year.
  2. Establish authority in your area of expertise without ever needing to brag. Because people view book authors as experts in their field, you are able to gain their trust and convert them from prospects to paying clients quickly. Your premium positioning also allows you to close more deals at the price you ask for.
  3. Leverage on a branding tool so powerful that it can almost give you instant credibility without fail every time. What is more, you get to build your personal brand without having to spend thousands of dollars running expensive advertising or marketing campaigns.
  4. Spread your ideas to a wider audience even without your physical presence. A book is like a premium name-card on steroids, helping you to spread your message and promote your business while you are sleeping.

“So you want to be an author” Virtual Masterclass consist of 6 bite-size modules specifically tailored to help game changers like you who aspire to stay at the top of their game by becoming published authors of non-fiction books.

In this masterclass, you will be guided to develop your own personal blueprint for publishing success using our 6P Publishing Framework. This is the same proven framework that over 300 of our authors have followed to take them from just having a piece of blank paper to enjoying success today as published authors.

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Date And Time

2020-11-17 @ 12:30 AM to
2020-11-18 @ 01:30 AM


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