Foo Maw Der
Foo Maw Der is a Professor at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), where he is Director of the Asian Business Case Centre and Director designate of the Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre. Prior to NTU, he held faculty positions at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU Boulder). He held honorary/guest professorships in Jilin University and Nankai University.
Maw Der co-founded Startup@Singapore and was a lead organiser of MIT’s 50K (now 100K) business plan competition. He was a faculty fellow of the Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, and granted seed funding to social enterprises through the Lotus-NUS Fund. One of his primary interests lies in promoting fair and sustainable business practices. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Consumer Association of Singapore CaseTrust’s Advisory Council, and as a Societal Impact Fellow at the NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity.
In the year 2000, at NUS, he was on a committee to jumpstart entrepreneurship at the University. Then, at CU Boulder, he was a faculty fellow of the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship. More recently, at NTU, he contributed to the establishment of a formal Major in Entrepreneurship and served in a University task force to ramp up innovation and entrepreneurship across the University.
Maw Der’s research uses management concepts to understand entrepreneurial processes in high growth startups. Past projects have delved into cognition, teams, and emotions, and how these processes impact individual well-being, team functioning, and venture success. His studies have been published in several premier journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Management Science, and Strategic Management Journal.
Maw Der is currently on the Editorial Review Boards of five Financial Times top business journals (FT50): the Journal of Business Venturing (as Field Editor), Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (Editor from 2010 to 2017), Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Apart from this collection of cases, he has published two books with Cengage: Unlikely Innovation: How Corporations Innovate to Lead Their Markets and Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice, An Asia Edition.