Our Logo


Candid Creation Publishing is deeply honoured to have our logo designed by Tan Swie Hian, a living legend in Singapore’s art scene.

Artist, poet, author and linguist, who has published a translation of several volumes of Western literary works, Tan Swie Hian is indeed a man of many talents and Singapore’s most celebrated multi-disciplinary artist.

The hummingbird in our logo is Tan Swie Hian’s favourite icon, symbolizing unrestrained creativity, fresh explorations and eternal freedom of the mind. In spite of its small size, the hummingbird possesses an extremely strong fighting spirit and is able to fly freely towards any direction or even hover in stillness.

In the words of Tan Swie Hian, “To me, the hummingbird is a fine symbol for the free mind. Its form is the udakacandra of birds and the mirage of bees. It is a living being which transcends time and space, lives in and travels freely between the worlds of the normal, the abnormal and the supernormal.”